Miracle Claims Investigator

As part of my work as a paranormal investigator, I have conducted hands-on examinations of such "miraculous" phenomena as statues exhibiting heartbeats (as shown here at a Marian apparition site in Conyers, Georgia) and icons that "weep" oily tears (as pictured here at a Greek Orthodox Church in Toronto, working on behalf of the parent church which later pronounced the phenomenon a hoax). I have visited pilrimage sites, conducted experiments regarding the Shroud of Turin, and shaken the bloody hand of a purported stigmatist.

In the 2007 movie The Reaping, Hilary Swank played a miracle investigator, a role based partly on my work. She read my book Looking for a Miracle, and -- after I had discussions with a script writer -- I was invited onto the Warner Brothers set in St. Francisville, Louisiana. There I met and talked with Hilary and watched some of the filming. (I appear briefly on the movie's DVD.)

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